Thursday, December 24, 2009

Let It Snow!

A recent trip to Richmond to visit Annie, Papa, and Shane let Eli experience snow, and lots of it! He was amazed, as you can tell by the expression on his face...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Time

I can't put into words how special this time of year has been for us. The Christmas spirit shines through Eli. As evidence below, he was not a fan of actually sitting on Santa's lap this year, but he absolutely loves to call his name, "ca caus", everytime you pass a large yard art Santa, or anytime you see a Santa anywhere for that matter. He sings christmas carols in the backseat of the car, even though not a word is audible to his mommy or daddy. We've loved sharing this Christmas time with you, Eli!

Helping decorate

Loading the Xmas Tree

At Enchanted Airlie

Looking for Santa

Santa and Eli

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Moves

Eli took a break from helping us decorate the Christmas tree the other night. I followed him to the back bedroom where the music was playing (very loudly). I couldn't help but run and get my camera to capture his new moves. We think he dances more than he walks.

Best buds

Often times Sammy and I find ourselves saying to each other "poor maggie". She has tolerated a lot this past year and a half, and will continue to tolerate much more, we imagine. But we're starting to believe she benefits more from Eli than we realize. She has a new best buddy... who likes to rub her belly and give her hugs. And best of all...she gets a snack at almost every meal he eats.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Boo-boo's happen

...and there seems to be plenty around this household. Eli knows where his boo-boo frog is and gladly holds it to his boo-boo's :)

Thanksgiving Day

There's lots to do at TomDaddy's house...

Stacking boxes

Our thanksgiving day was full of fun.


Checking out the stuffed Santa

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hang 10

Eli loves everything about the beach... the sand, the water, surf boards, and seashells. Fall has been exceptionally beautiful around Wilmington, especially at the beach. We are so lucky to have such a healthy, beautiful boy. We love you so very much!

Fall Fun

Strolling on the Riverfront

Visiting Great-Granny Barbara


Friday, October 30, 2009

Costume Party

Eli had his Halloween party at school today. There was a parade outside, which Eli was not a fan of. Then there was a party afterwards in his classroom. Eli sported his Brobee costume very well :)Don't you think?!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

14months (and a few weeks)

It's been way too long since I've updated your blog. You are here, there and everywhere these days and mama's camera card wasn't working right. So I'm just getting around to posting some pictures of your new accomplishments and adventures. You are now 24.5 lbs, and 31in tall. Your favorite things to do include: reading books, playing outside, and chasing maggie. You just completed your first "swim lessons" at the YMCA; you even went "under" a couple of times without crying! You are in music class every Thurs. You love shaking the plastic eggs and banging on the drums there. Recently, you have gone to Papa Joes farm and admired the horses there. They were a little scary up close, so you held on tight to mama and daddy. You are a happy, very talkative, energetic, and loving little boy.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's official...

You are walking.... 9 days after your birthday! We have yet to capture it on camera because you tend to fall everytime. You take 5-6 steps (more like running) and then dive towards us. It is so funny to you! We can't wait for everyone to see. You are offically a toddler, toddling around.

And here are a couple of my new favorite pictures, just because I can't post without posting pictures.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday!

We can hardly believe what we've said to you today, Eli! It's your FIRST birthday! You stole our hearts a year ago when you entered our world. You have made us stronger as a couple and we thank you for that. We never knew how much love we had to share until you were born. You bring smiles to our faces on a daily basis when you giggle, talk, walk, smile, poop, whine, eat, sleep, play, etc. You have a huge personality and a huge heart to go with it. You love to "love" and give "kisses". You dance your sweet little heart out everyday and you love reading books too. Every word tends to be "dog", but we don't mind. You love to share meal time with Maggie, which happens to be 5 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks). We believe she has become very close with you for this very reason. And, don't forget Haylee aka "KIIIIIYYYYYEEEEE". She has let you pet her a few times (a few time more than mama thought necessary). We just celebrated your first birthday at our home with friends and family. You warmed up to the idea half way through and ended up in your "birthday suit" with chocolate cake all over you, dancing to Wagon Wheel! The most special birthday party for the most special birthday boy...

The Countdown Cont.

Eli ... 11 months

Eli ...10 months

Eli ...9 months

Eli ...8 months

Eli ...7 months

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let the 1st Bday Countdown Begin!

We can't believe it's been a year since we saw your sweet face for the first time! We are so excited to celebrate your 1st birthday. Thought we would share a few pictures of your growth. Stay tuned for the next six months! We love you,ELI FORREST!

Eli ... 6months

Eli ...5months

Eli ...4 months

Eli ...3 months

Eli ...2 months

Eli ...1 month

Eli ...birth day